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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1996-06-27  |  24KB  |  550 lines

  1. :Base ped.hlp
  2. :Title ActiveX  Control Pad Help
  3. 1 ActiveX Control Pad Basics
  4. 2 Quick Start=QuickStart
  5. 2 What the ActiveX Control Pad Does=WhatInternetStudioDoes
  6. 2 Who Does What:  HTML, HTML Layouts, and Scripts=WhoDoesWhatHTML2DandScripts
  7. 2 Object Model for ActiveX Control Pad=f3conObjectModelMSForms
  8. 1 Working with Pages
  9. 2 Working with HTML Layouts=WorkingwithHTMLLayouts
  10. 2 Create an HTML Layout for the Current Page=CreateanHTMLLayoutfortheCurrentPage
  11. 2 Create an HTML Layout for Future Use=Creatinga2Dregion
  12. 2 Insert an ActiveX Control into HTML=Insertinga2DObjectintoHTML
  13. 2 Insert an Existing HTML Layout into the Current Page=CombiningHTMLand2DRegionsonaPage
  14. 2 Editing Controls, HTML Layouts, and Scripts=EditingObjectsLayoutsScripts
  15. 2 Active Controls and Selected Controls=f3conActiveControlsSelectedControls
  16. 2 Tips on Selecting Multiple Controls=f3conTipsOnSelectingMultipleControls
  17. 2 Working with the Toolbar=WorkingwiththeToolbar
  18. 2 View or Edit Source Code for an HTML Layout=VieworEditSourceCodeforanHTMLLayout
  19. 1 Working with Controls
  20. 2 Using the ActiveX Control Pad Toolbox
  21. 3 What Is the Toolbox?=f3conWhatIsToolbox
  22. 3 Display or Hide the Toolbox=f3howDisplayOrHideToolbox
  23. 3 Change the Size of the Toolbox=f3howChangeSizeOfToolbox
  24. 3 Add a New Item to the Toolbox=f3howAddNewItemToToolbox
  25. 3 Add a Control to the Toolbox=f3howAddControlToToolbox
  26. 3 Create a Customized Control and Add It to the Toolbox=f3howAddCustomizedControlToToolbox
  27. 3 Add ActiveX Controls to the Toolbox=f3howAddCustomControlsToToolbox
  28. 3 Delete an Item from the Toolbox=f3howDeleteItemFromToolbox
  29. 3 Customize a Toolbox Icon=f3howCustomizeToolboxIcon
  30. 3 Customize a ToolTip in the Toolbox=f3howCustomizeToolTipInToolbox
  31. 3 Set the ToolTip for a Toolbox Page=f3howSetToolTipForToolBoxPage
  32. 3 Change the Name of a Toolbox Page=f3howChangeNameOfToolboxPage
  33. 3 Change the Order of Toolbox Pages=f3howChangeOrderOfToolboxPages
  34. 3 Create a New Toolbox Page =f3howCreateNewToolboxPage
  35. 3 Delete a Toolbox Page =f3howDeleteToolboxPage
  36. 3 Import or Export a Toolbox Page=f3howImportOrExportToolboxPage
  37. 3 Move an Item to Another Toolbox Page=f3howMoveItemToAnotherToolboxPage
  38. 2 Working with Custom Help Files
  39. 3 Custom Help Files=f3conCustomHelpFiles
  40. 2 Using Pictures and Captions with ActiveX Control Pad
  41. 3 Assign an Image to a Control=f3howAssignBitmapToControl
  42. 3 Ways to Align a Picture on a Control=f3conWaysToAlignPictureOnControl
  43. 3 Delete an Image from a Control=f3howDeleteBitmapFromControl
  44. 3 Things You Can Do with a Picture on an Image Control=f3conThingsPictureOnImage
  45. 3 Transparency in ActiveX Control Pad=f3conTransparencyInMSForms
  46. 3 What is a Caption?=f3conWhatIsCaption
  47. 3 Assign a Caption=f3howAssignCaption
  48. 2 Transparent Images and Controls
  49. 3 Transparency in ActiveX Control Pad=f3conTransparencyInMSForms
  50. 3 Create a Transparent Control=f3howCreateTransparentControl
  51. 2 Working with the TabStrip Control
  52. 3 What is a TabStrip?=f3conWhatIsTabStrip
  53. 3 Display the Shortcut Menu for a TabStrip or Tab=f3howDisplayContextMenuForTabStripOrTab
  54. 3 Assign an Accelerator Key for a Tab=f3howAssignAcceleratorKeyForPageOrTab
  55. 3 Change the Order of Pages in a TabStrip=f3howChangeOrderOfPagesInMultiPageOrTabStrip
  56. 2 ToolTips
  57. 3 What is a ToolTip?=f3conWhatIsToolTip
  58. 3 Customize a ToolTip in the Toolbox=f3howCustomizeToolTipInToolbox
  59. 3 Set the ToolTip for a Toolbox Page=f3howSetToolTipForToolBoxPage
  60. 2 Working with List Boxes, Text Boxes, and Combo Boxes
  61. 3 Tips on Using Text Boxes=f3conTipsOnUsingTextBoxes
  62. 3 ListBox Styles=f3conListBoxStyles
  63. 3 Create a Standard List Box=f3howCreateStandardListBox
  64. 3 Create a List Box with Option Buttons or Check Boxes=f3howCreateListBoxWithOptionButtonsOrCheckBoxes
  65. 3 Ways to Put Data in a ListBox or ComboBox=f3conWaysToPutDataInList
  66. 3 Things You Can Do with a Multicolumn ListBox or ComboBox=f3conThingsYouCanDoWithList
  67. 3 Add Items to a List Using the List or Column Property=f3howAddItemsToListUsingListOrColumnProperty
  68. 3 Ways to Match Entries in a List=f3conWaysToMatchEntriesInList
  69. 2 Option Groups in ActiveX Control Pad
  70. 3 Creating an Option Group=f3conWaysToCreateOptionGroup
  71. 3 Create an Option Group using the GroupName property=f3howCreateOptionGroupUsingGroupName
  72. 2 Grouping
  73. 3 Things You Can Do with Control Groups=f3conThingsControlGroups
  74. 3 Create a Control Group=f3howCreateControlGroup
  75. 3 Size All the Controls in a Group=f3howSizeAllControlsInGroup
  76. 3 Break Up a Control Group=f3howBreakUpControlGroup
  77. 3 Display a Group's Shortcut Menu=f3howDisplayGroupsContextMenu
  78. 3 Select a Control Within a Group=f3howSelectControlWithinGroup
  79. 2 Aligning, Arranging, and Sizing in ActiveX Control Pad
  80. 3 Change the Size of the HTML Layout=f3howChangeSizeOfForm
  81. 3 Change the Location of the HTML Layout=f3howChangeLocationOfForm
  82. 3 Align Text in a Control=f3howAlignTextInControl
  83. 3 Show or Hide the Grid=f3howShowHideGrid
  84. 3 Select a Grid Size=f3howSelectGridSize
  85. 3 Size to Grid=f3howSizeToGrid
  86. 3 Size to Fit=f3howSizeToFit
  87. 3 Size All the Controls in a Group=f3howSizeAllControlsInGroup
  88. 3 Make Controls the Same Size=f3howMakeControlsSameSize
  89. 3 Align Controls=f3howAlignControls
  90. 3 Adjust Horizontal and Vertical Spacing Between Controls=f3howAdjustHorizontalSpacing
  91. 2 Controlling Navigation in Your Application
  92. 3 Assign an Accelerator Key=f3howAssignAcceleratorKey
  93. 3 Set the Tab Order Using the TabIndex Property=f3howSetTabOrderUsingTabIndexProperty
  94. 2 Helpful Features You Can Add to Your Application
  95. 3 Ways to Protect Sensitive Information=f3conWaysToProtectSensitiveInformation
  96. 3 Make a Control That Automatically Adjusts to the Size of Its Data=f3howMakeControlThatAutomaticallyAdjusts
  97. 2 Shortcut Menus in ActiveX Control Pad
  98. 3 What is a Shortcut Menu?=f3conWhatIsContextMenu
  99. 3 Display the Shortcut Menu for an HTML Layout=f3howDisplayContextMenuForMultiPageOrPage
  100. 3 Display the Shortcut Menu for a TabStrip or Tab=f3howDisplayContextMenuForTabStripOrTab
  101. 3 Display a Group's Shortcut Menu=f3howDisplayGroupsContextMenu
  102. 2 Tips for Developing Applications
  103. 3 What Is the Difference Between the DataObject and the Clipboard?=f3conDifferenceBetweenDataObjectAndClipboard
  104. 3 Ways to Change the Appearance of a Control=f3conWaysToChangeAppearanceOfControl
  105. 3 Use Z-order to Layer Controls=f3howLayerControls
  106. 3 Compress Audio Files =CompressAudio
  107. 1 Scripting
  108. 2 Choose List View or Code View=ChoosingDesignerVieworProgrammerView
  109. 2 Start the Script Wizard=StartingtheScriptWizard
  110. 2 Using the Script Wizard in List View=UsingtheScriptWizardinDesignerView
  111. 2 Using the Script Wizard in Code View=UsingtheScriptWizardinProgrammerView
  112. 2 Event and Action Pane Icons=EventandActionPaneIcons
  113. 2 Create Event Handlers=CreateEventHandlers
  114. 2 Delete Event Handlers=DeleteEventHandlers
  115. 2 Define Global Variables=DefiningNewGlobalVariables
  116. 2 Edit or Delete Global Variables=EditingorDeletingGlobalVariables
  117. 2 Define Procedures=DefiningNewProcedures
  118. 2 Specify the Scripting language=SpecifyingtheScriptLanguageforaWebPage
  119. 2 Specify the Script Pane Font=SpecifyingtheCodePaneFont
  120. 2 Script a Jump to Another Page=ScriptaJumptoAnotherPage
  121. 2 Hide or Show a Control=HideorShowaControl
  122. 2 Change the Front/Back Order of a Control=ChangetheFront/BackOrderofaControl
  123. 2 Script Wizard Technical Notes =ScriptWizardTechnicalNotes
  124. 2 Value Dialog Boxes =ValueDialogBoxes
  125. 1 Developer's Reference
  126. 2 InternetExplorer Object=iexp_0001000102000200
  127. 2 Controls
  128. 3 ActiveMovie Control=IDH_ActiveMovie_Control
  129. 3 Checkbox Control=f3objCheckbox
  130. 3 ComboBox Control=f3objComboBox
  131. 3 CommandButton Control=f3objCommandButton
  132. 3 HotSpot Control=isObjHotSpot
  133. 3 HTML Layout=isObjActiveXLayout
  134. 3 HTML Layout Control=isObjHTMLlayoutControl
  135. 3 Image Control=isObjImage
  136. 3 Label Control=f3objLabel
  137. 3 ListBox Control=f3objListBox
  138. 3 OptionButton Control=f3objOptionButton
  139. 3 ScrollBar Control=f3objScrollBar
  140. 3 SpinButton Control=f3objSpinButton
  141. 3 TabStrip Control=f3objTabStrip
  142. 3 TextBox Control=f3objTextBox
  143. 3 ToggleButton Control=f3objToggleButton
  144. 3 WebBrowser Object=iexp_0001000102000000
  145. 2 Objects
  146. 3 Font Object=f3objFont
  147. 3 Tab Object=f3objTab
  148. 3 Tabs Collection=f3objTabColl
  149. 2 Events
  150. 3 ActiveMovie Events=IDH_ActiveMovie_Events
  151. 3 AfterUpdate Event=f3evtAfterUpdate
  152. 3 BeforeDragOver Event=f3evtBeforeDragOver
  153. 3 BeforeDropOrPaste Event=f3evtBeforeDropOrPaste
  154. 3 BeforeUpdate Event=f3evtBeforeUpdate
  155. 3 Change Event=f3evtChange
  156. 3 Click Event=f3evtClick
  157. 3 DblClick Event=f3evtDblClick
  158. 3 DropButtonClick Event=f3evtDropButtonClick
  159. 3 Enter Event=f3evtEnter
  160. 3 Error Event=f3evtError
  161. 3 Error Event (ActiveMovie Control)=IDH_Error_Event
  162. 3 Exit Event=f3evtEnter
  163. 3 KeyDown Event=f3evtKeyDown
  164. 3 KeyPress Event=f3evtKeyPress
  165. 3 KeyUp Event=f3evtKeyDown
  166. 3 MouseDown Event=f3evtMouseDown
  167. 3 MouseEnter Event=isEvtMouseEnterMouseExit
  168. 3 MouseExit Event=isEvtMouseEnterMouseExit
  169. 3 MouseMove Event=f3evtMouseMove
  170. 3 MouseUp Event=f3evtMouseDown
  171. 3 OnBeginNavigate Event=iexp_0001000105000000
  172. 3 OnCommandStateChange Event=iexp_0001000105000200
  173. 3 OnDownloadBegin Event=iexp_0001000105000300
  174. 3 OnDownloadComplete Event=iexp_0001000105000400
  175. 3 onLoad Event=isEvtonLoad
  176. 3 OnNavigate Event=iexp_0001000105000500
  177. 3 OnNewWindow Event=iexp_0001000105000600
  178. 3 OnProgress Event=iexp_0001000105000700
  179. 3 OnPropertyChange Event=iexp_0001000105000800
  180. 3 OnQuit Event=iexp_0001000105000900
  181. 3 OnStatusTextChange Event=iexp_0001000105000a00
  182. 3 OnWindowActivated Event=iexp_0001000105000b00
  183. 3 OnWindowMove Event=iexp_0001000105000c00
  184. 3 OnWindowSized Event=iexp_0001000105000d00
  185. 3 PositionChange Event=IDH_PositionChange_Event
  186. 3 Scroll Event=f3evtScroll
  187. 3 SpinDown Event=f3evtSpinDown
  188. 3 SpinUp Event=f3evtSpinDown
  189. 3 StateChange Event=IDH_StateChange_Event
  190. 3 Timer Event=IDH_Timer_Event
  191. 2 Methods
  192. 3 ActiveMovie Methods=IDH_ActiveMovie_Methods
  193. 3 Add Method=f3mthAdd
  194. 3 AddItem Method=f3mthAddItem
  195. 3 Clear Method=f3mthClear
  196. 3 ClientToWindow Method=iexp_0001000104000100
  197. 3 Copy Method=f3mthCopy
  198. 3 Cut Method=f3mthCut
  199. 3 DropDown Method=f3mthDropDown
  200. 3 GetFormat Method=f3mthGetFormat
  201. 3 GetFromClipboard Method=f3mthGetFromClipboard
  202. 3 GetProperty Method=iexp_0001000104000200
  203. 3 GetText Method=f3mthGetFromClipboard
  204. 3 GoBack Method=iexp_0001000104000300
  205. 3 GoForward Method=iexp_0001000104000400
  206. 3 GoHome Method=iexp_0001000104000500
  207. 3 GoSearch Method=iexp_0001000104000600
  208. 3 Item Method=f3mthItem
  209. 3 Move Method=f3mthMove
  210. 3 Navigate Method=iexp_0001000104000700
  211. 3 Paste Method=f3mthPaste
  212. 3 Pause Method=IDH_Pause_Method
  213. 3 PutInClipboard Method=f3mthPutInClipboard
  214. 3 PutProperty Method=iexp_0001000104000800
  215. 3 Quit Method=iexp_0001000104000900
  216. 3 Refresh Method=iexp_0001000104000a00
  217. 3 Refresh2 Method=iexp_0001000104000b00
  218. 3 Remove Method=f3mthRemove
  219. 3 RemoveItem Method=f3mthRemoveItem
  220. 3 Run Method=IDH_Run_Method
  221. 3 SetFocus Method=f3mthSetFocus
  222. 3 SetText Method=f3mthSetText
  223. 3 StartDrag Method=f3mthStartDrag
  224. 3 Stop Method (ActiveMovie Control)=IDH_Stop_Method
  225. 3 Stop Method (WebBrowser Object)=iexp_0001000104000c00
  226. 3 ZOrder Method=f3mthZOrder
  227. 2 Properties
  228. 3 Accelerator Property=f3proAccelerator
  229. 3 ActiveControl Property=f3proActiveControl
  230. 3 ActiveMovie Properties= IDH_ActiveMovie_Properties
  231. 3 Alignment Property=f3proAlignment
  232. 3 AllowChangeDisplayMode Property=IDH_AllowChangeDisplayMode_Property
  233. 3 AllowHideControls Property=IDH_AllowHideControls_Property
  234. 3 AllowHideDisplay Property=IDH_AllowHideDisplay_Property
  235. 3 Application Property=iexp_0001000103000000
  236. 3 Author Property=IDH_Author_Property
  237. 3 AutoRewind Property=IDH_AutoRewind_Property
  238. 3 AutoSize Property= f3proAutoSize 
  239. 3 AutoStart Property=IDH_AutoStart_Property
  240. 3 AutoTab Property=f3proAutoTab
  241. 3 AutoWordSelect Property=f3proAutoWordSelect
  242. 3 BackColor Property=f3proBackColor
  243. 3 BackStyle Property=f3proBackStyle
  244. 3 Balance Property=IDH_Balance_Property
  245. 3 Bold Property=f3proBold
  246. 3 BorderColor Property=f3proBorderColor
  247. 3 BorderStyle Property=f3proBorderStyle
  248. 3 BoundColumn Property=f3proBoundColumn
  249. 3 Busy Property=iexp_0001000103000200
  250. 3 CanPaste Property=f3proCanPaste
  251. 3 Caption Property=f3proCaption
  252. 3 ClientHeight Property=f3proClientHeight
  253. 3 ClientLeft Property=f3proClientHeight
  254. 3 ClientTop Property=f3proClientHeight
  255. 3 ClientWidth Property=f3proClientHeight
  256. 3 CodeBase Property=isproCodeBase
  257. 3 Column Property=f3proColumn
  258. 3 ColumnCount Property=f3proColumnCount
  259. 3 ColumnHeads Property=f3proColumnHeads
  260. 3 ColumnWidths Property=f3proColumnWidths
  261. 3 Container Property=iexp_0001000103000300
  262. 3 Copyright Property=IDH_Copyright_Property
  263. 3 Count Property=f3proCount
  264. 3 CurLine Property=f3proCurLine
  265. 3 CurrentPosition Property=IDH_CurrentPosition_Property
  266. 3 CurrentState Property=IDH_CurrentState_Property
  267. 3 CurTargetX Property=f3proCurTargetX
  268. 3 CurX Property=f3proCurX
  269. 3 Delay Property=f3proDelay
  270. 3 Description Property=IDH_Description_Property
  271. 3 DisplayBackColor Property=IDH_DisplayBackColor_Property
  272. 3 DisplayForeColor Property=IDH_DisplayForeColor_Property
  273. 3 DisplayMode Property=IDH_DisplayMode_Property
  274. 3 Document Property=iexp_0001000103000400
  275. 3 DragBehavior Property=f3proDragBehavior
  276. 3 DrawBuffer Property=isProDrawBuffer
  277. 3 DropButtonStyle Property=f3proDropButtonStyle
  278. 3 Duration Property=IDH_Duration_Property
  279. 3 EnableContextMenu Property=IDH_EnableContextMenu_Property
  280. 3 Enabled Property=f3proEnabled
  281. 3 EnablePositionControls Property=IDH_EnablePositionControls_Property
  282. 3 EnableSelectionControls Property=IDH_EnableSelectionControls_Property
  283. 3 EnableTracker Property=IDH_EnableTracker_Property
  284. 3 EnterFieldBehavior Property=f3proEnterFieldBehavior
  285. 3 EnterKeyBehavior Property=f3proEnterKeyBehavior
  286. 3 FileName Property=IDH_FileName_Property
  287. 3 FilterGraph Property=IDH_FilterGraph_Property
  288. 3 FilterGraphDispatch Property=IDH_FilterGraphDispatch_Property
  289. 3 ForeColor Property=f3proForeColor
  290. 3 FullName Property=iexp_0001000103000500
  291. 3 FullScreen Property=iexp_0001000103000600
  292. 3 GroupName Property=f3proGroupName
  293. 3 Height Property=f3proHeight
  294. 3 HWND Property=iexp_0001000103000800
  295. 3 HideSelection Property=f3proHideSelection
  296. 3 ID Property=f3proName
  297. 3 ImageSourceHeight Property=IDH_ImageSourceHeight_Property
  298. 3 ImageSourceWidth Property=IDH_ImageSourceWidth_Property
  299. 3 IMEMode Property=f3proIMEMode
  300. 3 Index Property=f3proIndex
  301. 3 InsideHeight Property=f3proInsideHeight
  302. 3 InsideWidth Property=f3proInsideHeight
  303. 3 IntegralHeight Property=f3proIntegralHeight
  304. 3 Italic Property=f3proBold
  305. 3 LargeChange Property=f3proLargeChange
  306. 3 Left Property=f3proLeft
  307. 3 Left Property (InternetExplorer Object)=iexp_0001000103000900
  308. 3 LineCount Property=f3proLineCount
  309. 3 List Property=f3proList
  310. 3 ListCount Property=f3proListCount
  311. 3 ListIndex Property=f3proListIndex
  312. 3 ListRows Property=f3proListRows
  313. 3 ListStyle Property=f3proListStyle
  314. 3 ListWidth Property=f3proListWidth
  315. 3 LocationName Property=iexp_0001000103000a00
  316. 3 LocationURL Property=iexp_0001000103000b00
  317. 3 Locked Property=f3proLocked
  318. 3 MatchEntry Property=f3proMatchEntry
  319. 3 MatchFound Property=f3proMatchFound
  320. 3 MatchRequired Property=f3proMatchRequired
  321. 3 Max Property=f3proMax
  322. 3 MaxLength Property=f3proMaxLength
  323. 3 MenuBar Property=iexp_0001000103000c00
  324. 3 Min Property=f3proMax
  325. 3 MouseIcon Property=f3proMouseIcon
  326. 3 MousePointer Property=f3proMousePointer
  327. 3 MovieWindowSetting Property=IDH_MovieWindowSetting_Property
  328. 3 MultiLine Property=f3proMultiLine
  329. 3 MultiRow Property=f3proMultiRow
  330. 3 MultiSelect Property=f3proMultiSelect
  331. 3 Name Property=iexp_0001000103000d00
  332. 3 Orientation Property=f3proOrientation
  333. 3 Parent Property=iexp_0001000103000e00
  334. 3 PasswordChar Property=f3proPasswordChar
  335. 3 Path Property=iexp_0001000103000f00
  336. 3 Picture Property=f3proPicture
  337. 3 PictureAlignment Property=f3proPictureAlignment
  338. 3 PicturePath Property=isProPicturePath
  339. 3 PicturePosition Property=f3proPicturePosition
  340. 3 PictureSizeMode Property=f3proPictureSizeMode
  341. 3 PictureTiling Property=f3proPictureTiling
  342. 3 PlayCount Property=IDH_PlayCount_Property
  343. 3 ProportionalThumb Property=f3proProportionalThumb
  344. 3 Rate Property=IDH_Rate_Property
  345. 3 Rating Property=IDH_Rating_Property
  346. 3 ScrollBars Property=f3proScrollBars
  347. 3 Selected Property=f3proSelected
  348. 3 SelectedItem Property=f3proSelectedItem
  349. 3 SelectionEnd Property=IDH_SelectionEnd_Property
  350. 3 SelectionMargin Property=f3proSelectionMargin
  351. 3 SelectionStart Property=IDH_SelectionStart_Property
  352. 3 SelLength Property=f3proSelLength
  353. 3 SelStart Property=f3proSelStart
  354. 3 SelText Property=f3proSelText
  355. 3 ShowControls Property=IDH_ShowControls_Property
  356. 3 ShowDisplay Property=IDH_ShowDisplay_Property
  357. 3 ShowDropButtonWhen Property=f3proShowDropButtonWhen
  358. 3 ShowPositionControls Property=IDH_ShowPositionControls_Property
  359. 3 ShowSelectionControls Property=IDH_ShowSelectionControls_Property
  360. 3 ShowTracker Property=IDH_ShowTracker_Property
  361. 3 Size Property=f3proBold
  362. 3 SmallChange Property=f3proSmallChange
  363. 3 SpecialEffect Property=f3proSpecialEffect
  364. 3 StatusBar Property=iexp_0001000103001000
  365. 3 StatusText Property=iexp_0001000103001100
  366. 3 StrikeThrough Property=f3proBold
  367. 3 Style Property=f3proStyle
  368. 3 TabFixedHeight Property=f3proTabFixedHeight
  369. 3 TabFixedWidth Property=f3proTabFixedHeight
  370. 3 TabIndex Property=f3proTabIndex
  371. 3 TabKeyBehavior Property=f3proTabKeyBehavior
  372. 3 TabOrientation Property=f3proTabOrientation
  373. 3 TabStop Property=f3proTabStop
  374. 3 Text Property=f3proText
  375. 3 TextAlign Property=f3proTextAlign
  376. 3 TextColumn Property=f3proTextColumn
  377. 3 TextLength Property=f3proTextLength
  378. 3 Title Property=IDH_Title_Property
  379. 3 ToolBar Property=iexp_0001000103001200
  380. 3 Top Property=f3proLeft
  381. 3 TopIndex Property=f3proTopIndex
  382. 3 TopLevelContainer Property=iexp_0001000103001400
  383. 3 TripleState Property=f3proTripleState
  384. 3 Type Property=iexp_0001000103001500
  385. 3 Underline Property=f3proBold
  386. 3 Value Property=f3proValue
  387. 3 Visible Property=f3proVisible
  388. 3 Visible Property (InternetExplorer Object)=iexp_0001000103001600
  389. 3 Volume Property=IDH_Volume_Property
  390. 3 Weight Property=f3proBold
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